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ATTO WSE-3200 PowerStation III 2311145

ATTO -- Mã TECPIM000519285
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The ATTO WSE-3200 PowerStation III 2311145. Power supply for electrophoresis use.


  • Fully programmable setting module: 21 files of free mode, 10 files of chain mode
  • Pre-settings for output condition of general use (electrophoresis)
  • Setting and storage of original output condition in memory

Chi tiết sản phẩm

Loại sản phẩm Thiết bị
Số hiệu 2311145
Thương hiệu ATTO
Kích thước sau đóng gói (WxDxH cm)
Kích thước trước đóng gói (WxDxH cm)
Trọng lượng sau đóng gói (kg)
Trọng lượng trước đóng gói (kg)

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ATTO Corporation is a scientific instrument developer and manufacturer of protein/nucleic acid research with more than 60 years to providing Polyacrylamide Gel, Electrophoresis Devices, PAGEL(precast gel), Western blot solutions, Perista(R)Pump, Printgraph (High-end Gel Documentation System), Luminograph series (Imaging System for bio/chemiluminescence detection),  etc. 


As protein/bio-molecule research has been making significant advances every second, ATTO has released new analytical tools for gene expression study such as Cellgraph, Kronos Dio/HT, Luminescenser Octa, Cluc, etc.  


Its premium products have been used in many laboratories in Japan and other countries.